स्कूल में नवीन प्रवेश दिनांक 10/08/2024 तक जारी है। कक्षाएं दिनांक 01/07/2024 से टाईम टेबल अनुसार संचालित हैं । विद्यार्थियों के हित में इस वर्ष शुल्क में विशेष छूट दी जाएगी ।
Message From Principal

Principal's Massage :-
It's  a  notable fact that schools colleges and academic institutions are the natural homes for education , learning and skill development purposes. 
What we can learning as simply way in there's  campus as  - a free , liberal ,  natural and direct effective  systems and technically developed and time to time recreated and advanced skills programs .
Can we fulfill this blanks by digital or online forms ?  More people may be say yes.
But  , this times important fact is that- "विद्यालय संस्कार गढ़ने और सुशिक्षा से परिपूर्ण करने के लिए निर्विवाद और सार्वभौमिक रूप से आवश्यक केंद्र हैं ।"
We must need to obey and praise to the govt policies for good education , good health and good environment.
The govt has issued directions for  use digital learning and online learnings platform also. Here's are more options for learning in this new era.
Yet , a Manners moving , a quality full , a dedicated and Oriental , valuable and economic ecological importance based educational system is be awaits by many parants. 
So , Sai Vinayak Public School is always  try for completion  this objectives of our areas kid's and their parants need.
"We ( SVPS ) always working with honesty , sympathy , qualitic and dedicated aproach. these are our commitments ."
So, I miss P Kushwah (Principal / HM - SVPS Umarkot ) put up a massage for all respective parants and for the dear students that  " keep your study regularly and learn the icential things by any mode . That will be your text books , your note books , DigiLep,  any online learning platform, your school , environment and your parants etc .
"SVPS UMARKOT also well stabilised for fulfill your dreams for education."
Welcome and Thanks. 
Miss P Kushwah
Principal / HM SVPS .
  Director's note :-
In the present time the Principal / head teacher of SVPS is Miss P Kushwah .  She is a very sencere , honest , tellented and duty-oriented teacher. Her works are skillful and complete the accountabilities for the school. The school respects her works and behaiors with regards. 
____ K Parmar

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