About School
- Established in year 2010 , July 06. SAI VINAYAK PUBLIC SCHOOL UMARKOT is located in Rural area of Madhya Pradesh statet of India. Umarkot is situated in Rama block of Jhabua district. Area pincode is 457775.
School is providing Upper Primary means middle school level education and is being managed by Private Unaided Organisation.
Medium of instruction is both - English and Hindi language and school is Co-educational.
Sai Vinayak Public School is the first school in the village Umarkot , which has stablished with good arrangement , good management and student - oriented views .
Sai Vinayak Public School's main approach and main objects are - Ready to the students with good knowledge , good education , very good manners with good efficiency and "Abilty Power" for presentataion in every activity. So, they can play important roll in our continous developping SOCIETY and UDAYMAAN BHARAT / PROGRESSIVE INDIA / SAKSAHM BHARAT and SWABHIMAANI BHARAT.
The most important thing is -
- We have been working with as a knowledge hub and modern era's aspects for the students. We are a small role player in transforming India with our talanted , creative, manners achiever and honestly working students.
- We have been working with honesty and spiritual heart , mean 💓 se .
- We have sincerely attention and keep alertness on our , tongue, invoice and decelerations.
- We are not believe in fake massaging , mis - information or mis - advertising . We don't like it and we avoid it. Because we like making trust with our all respected parants.
- Present time In the area of Umarkot , only our school providing best facilities , best infrastructure and best activities places for our all proudfull students.
- Our students have ready for big achievement in theirs upcoming future or career. The students , specially Upper primary level have very well trained , very well educated and they have achieved best manners and different fields skills by the co-curriculam activities.
- Our students have the best marits and they are highlighting - Regarding the name of our school in the area of Umarkot. They are our original wealth . We wish for very bright future and higher position in all working fields for all of them .
Our motto sentence is __ " Vidya ka dhan." " Sanskar ka shringar . " aur " Jivan Pushp ki mahak ".